Text of my letter resigning my Labour membership
I wish to leave Labour, in protest at what I see as the lack of direction in the party, the lack of communication, of cut-through to the electorate, and more importantly the apparent lack of any leftwing political convictions with which to oppose Tory misrule. How can we be trailing so badly in the polls afters years of austerity, over 120,000 dead of Covid, Brexit, Grenfell, the Windrush scandal, stealth privatisation of the NHS, increased child poverty - and what now seems to be the next Tory scandal, the cronyism & corruption of government. Why is Labour out of step with public opinion on corporate tax? Why are we concentrating wholesale on a wretched campaign to renew patriotism, when this will increase already rampant nationalism? I also believe that the party's authoritarian streak, its big talk on cannabis and policing, errs towards dogwhistle racism which is wrong and which will do us no favours.
Finally, our leader, Keir Starmer, appears to lack the moral compass we need: his failure to call for Matt Hancock to resign, stating that 'the public' doesn't want that, showed a want of moral fibre - what happened to doing something because it's the right thing to do? This action betrayed a dismaying politics of attempting to second-guess voters rather than trust in our own convictions. And it's getting us strictly nowhere, as recent polling attests. How is this possible against such a corrupt government?
In resigning my membership, I hope to show leadership my discontent, and perhaps spark the sort of spur to wake up that the party needs. I have been a member for over 10 years, and I can honestly say that in that time I don't remember us ever being so lacking in gumption and principles. I voted for Keir Starmer in the leadership, having happily voted for Corbyn twice before that, because I thought he would ally some of Corbyn's radical ideas to an electable personality that might unite all sides of the party. Instead, Corbynism has been completely jettisoned, as if the reasons that gave rise to Corbyn's extraordinary election as leader counted for nothing.
I cannot stay in the party while we're embarked on this foolish tack.
Caspar Salmon